
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let the Games Begin!

When David first told me about a basketball court for the boys of API - I was both excited and perplexed.    Basketball was my first love when I was young.  Everyday we would shoot and imagine what it would be like to play in the NBA... that of course never happened, but this would be the next best thing.. creating a court in the middle of the Ugandan brush.

Even if we figured this out... which we did... would people give to such a project?  The answer was a thunderous  YES!  Many of you gave and gave and gave.   Because of you....

In my mind we would build a small court... something like  30 x 50.... but when I arrived the plans had increased to more like 60 x 90.  David had been to the local college, measured the court and wanted to have a skating area as well... so it was to be huge.

Craig taking down the vines that Tarzan swung on!

Mark taking aim on the big trunks!

We began with a bunch of hoes... hacking our way into the grassy area and machetes to cut into the jungle brush.  This was no easy task... our job was simply to clear the path so that others could really get to work on leveling.   They knew we would tire early so they made sure to bring in the local contractors.

IVO is committed to using local contractors as well since it infuses the local economy with much needed revenue!  The contractors  can feed their families and the store owners receive income and the cycle continues.  Thank you to all who gave, your gift truly kept on giving!

Most of the work is done by hand!

When you think about it, most of you who gave will never meet these boys.  Let me just tell you, they are awesome and incredible in their love for one another and for Jesus Christ.  They have gone from having no one who loves them to being loved by so many!  Just ask a few of those who've gone!

The task was bigger than any of us planned and they later brought in some earth moving equipment.

As all the blacktop was laid, the stones formed a support wall the court began to take place!

Did I mention that they wanted to add a skating area as well?

Any Coach available??
Finally the court!!

It is more than ready for some basketball training.  I'm hoping to bring some coaches along to run a basketball camp but January finds most BB coaches filled up with their regular schedule.  

Again, we want to say thank you for the amazing outpouring of love to these former street boys, now a part of the API family.  We are forever grateful for your partnership...

Can you hear the pounding in the jungle --- it's not the sound of drums... it's the sound of basketballs being dribbled by some wonderful young boys!  Love, love, love that sound!