
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Memories That Shake Our World


There are memories that are great... they make us smile and laugh. 

There are memories that we wish would forget which make us cry! 

Then there are memories that SHAKE OUR WORLD!


It is my prayer this team never forgets!  

So here are a few glimpses into the world of 20 people from 9 different states who served for 10 days!

They gave up vacation and family time to love God and His kids with all their heart!

Way to go "Go Team"

We shall never forget!

The eyes tell their stories.

The eyes tell the joy of knowing someone cares!

The eyes tell the joy of loving and being loved.... southern style... "I don't have an accent"

The eyes.... the pain and the beauty beyond words.

From the jungle to a basketball court... use your imagination... check back in 2 weeks!

No task was too hard for these two!

Mother Teressa..... I mean Mother Emma - no child she won't love!

New forever friendships formed!

7 new children in the kingdom of God!

Birthday joy.... someone remembered...many remembered!

150 leaders choose to be "Sent" into all of Africa.

The eyes again...  at VBS
The children dance for joy at VBS!

So little, yet such great joy!

 Now it's time to say good-bye... most likely we will never to be together again as a team!  
You were an awesome team!   Keep the memories.... NEVER FORGET!

Well done thou good and faithful servants!

Thank you for the privilege of leading you.  And thank you to all who gave, sent, prayed for, supplied and loved this team!  

God Bless you all,  Dw

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Can you find God in the middle of the slums?


One can hardly imagine how difficult it is to live your life in the slums of Kampala.    The minds of us Westerners can hardly comprehend the poverty and the hopelessness of those who live and die in the slums.  Day after day is the same.   It seems like nothing will every change.

Can you possibly find God in the midst of the filth and loneliness?  

Is it possible to see God in the middle of the slums?   

Where is God?  How can such poverty exist?   And does anyone really care? 

However desperate the situation of those who dwell in the slums
there is those who survive in even more traumatic situations!

The "Street Boys" are not even wanted in the slums. 

 They are thought of as thieves and less than human. 

Yet, in midst of such hopelessness, right in the middle of the slums are those who will love, who do and will care, and who will reach out and love these children.  They are part of the "Go Team" from IVO who went and served our Front Line ministry with A Perfect Injustice! 

Sent by many of you and prayed for by all.

There is one member of our team, Miss Barb, who will cook at any opportunity.

 She was literally giddy at the thought of loving these boys through her cooking.  She loved them the best way she knew how!   She cared that they would eat for one day like kings and they saw God's in her life.

And the boys really really loved her!

Miss Barb's southern gumbo!

We came young and older.  
We came from Kentucky, Pa, NY, Az, Ca, La, NC,  W. Va, to show God's love!

Jessica jumps in!

Abby & David lead API and always lead the way! 

These two boys could not be stopped from helping.  We are told they are usually quite difficult, but not today, not when people from all over the US came to love them... not when API provide a ministry and not when IVO  feeds them each week because of YOU and your generous giving! 

Barb and Jess from New Orleans are long time friends serving up love New Orleans style!

We brought many donated t-shirt and bought 2 bails of jeans for the kids.  Love they can wear!

Sam shared his testimony and the love of Christ.  They loved Big Sam and his muscles!

Then I shared a word from the Lord.  They were challenged to embrace their street life as "Street Preachers" for Jesus. To use this time to share the love of Christ with others.  To focus on others.  Crazy right!!  But this is what the Lord had impressed on my heart.  To my astonishment 20 of them first raised their hand then had the courage to come forward as I commissioned them to as "Street Preachers".    Nothing but God could have done this miracle!

Dr. Craig brought skill and his adjustments of love to the slums.  The boys would wiggle their heads later showing me they could move their necks.  Yes, love comes in many ways!

 Alicia, loved on the boys through cleansing and bandaging many wounds!

Tim loved on the kids who were not part for the program through knuckles and simply giving them the attention they are starved to receive!  (After the program their was enough food for them too!)

The ladies loved on the kids by making sure everyone received cloths, a couple snack bags to eat at night and some candy.   God cared through their mom love!!!

God in the middle of the slums???

 OH, yes in so many ways..... and of course then it was time to eat!  

And eat they did!   

Mighty well if I say so myself!!

Tonight when you go to bed... you can grab a quick snack, watch a TV show and be safe.

Not so with these boys.

Every night is a night with it's own list of terror!

They sleep in the streets in danger of their very lives.

And hungry.... oh so hungry.....  But for this afternoon, they were safe, they were loved and they new the love of God in a tangible way!

So will you please pray.   Pray for protection for them each night. 

Will you pray that they will be taken off the streets by API and other ministries?

These are children.  Simply children.

My heart aches as I write this... it is unfathomable... it is A Perfect Injustice!    dw

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Heroes Left Behind!

All the attention for the mission trips often goes to those on the field in Africa, China or where ever the mission is targeted.

But there are many heroes we leave behind!

Left behind to cope with the ordinary details of life that are not so ordinary when your dad, mom, husband or wife is in the field!

The heroes are our children & spouses.   

Without Linny ----  I simply would not be here doing what I'm doing.  Last year we were gone from each other over 3 months of the year.  Two missions trips and a trip to rescue Ruby and get her the medical attention she needed.

She gladly supports me, cheers me on and is excited for me to GO to all the world!  No, it's not that she is trying to get rid of me (shame on you),  she is filled with faith and excited for what God is going to do!

Linny and I are a team!  She is my hero and so are my kids who put up without a Dad so that other children can feel the warm touch, hug and care of a Dad.

It's not easy to stay home.  In fact it is extremely difficult.  So many attacks happen when I am gone to the field.  Satan does not like it when we go to share the love of Christ with orphans and vulnerable children.

But Linny does it with a smile on her face and as part of the team.

I always know that she is praying for me.  
There is never a moment I think I'm uncovered without prayer!

Now it's my turn and your turn!

 I ask you to stop what you are doing and please pray!  Intercede with intensity and earnestness!

I just got off the phone with Linny a little bit ago.  She is tired beyond description.

Ruby has not slept well for 4 nights.  Consequently Linny has not had over 4 hours of sleep at night. Then tonight Ruby began to cry and has been crying for hours.   Ruby is struggling.

Ruby really never cries.  A small whimper here or there but nothing sustained like is going on now. 

When you have a little girl who has had 5 brain surgeries this causes great concern.    The question becomes do we take her to the hospital or not.  (Last time I was on a missions trip she had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.)

We are convinced that this is spiritual warfare and would ask you to join us in interceding for Ruby.  

NO WEAPON shall stand against my little girl.  But I need prayer warriors to pray.  

Please pray for healing over her body.  

Please pray for a great night of sleep for both Ruby and Linny. 

If you are one of those heroes left behind, simply know that you are as important to the work of God as those you have allowed to go.  Thank you is simply not enough --- you are heroes as well!

May the Lord bless you mightily and we will be praying for you as well!  dwight

Send Me!

5th Annual Legacy Leadership Conference 

Over 600 registered attenders

Our t-shirt designed by our Go Team's, Ashton, (her parents own "Carolina Girl" tee-shirts and more)  contains the following verse:

Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go for us?"And I said, "Lord, I'll go! Send me."  Isaiah 6:8

Little did we know that verse would be the theme of the Legacy Leadership Conference!

Thank you Jonathan and Serena for supplying the mics to proclaim the word!!!

When we think of World Missions often this verse comes to mind though our response if more likely... no not me or yes, Lord I'll go if you can't find anyone else.   But what would happen if we changed our paradigm to waving our hand expectantly like a first grader... oh, oh, oh,.... choose me... choose me..... SEND ME!!!

It really is a privilege if we get to Go for the Lord... it's not a penalty as we like to think.  
Face it -- if you grew up in the church you may have thought, oh God... 
don't send me... please don't send me ... to Africa... to China.

It's time to change our ideas!

One Day!   In One Day everything can change!  

The words, "One Day", appear many times in scripture.  Approximately 200 times  both words appear in one verse!  The description is often about Jesus and we often read over those words... but they hold so much power!   Let me tell you what happened at the 2012 Leadership Conference.   

The 5th Annual Legacy Leadership Conference was beyond description... a  tremendous success!

The theme of the two day Legacy Legacy Leadership Conference this year was "Change." 

Then God took over!

My ideas were too small!

My thoughts were too simplistic!   

God had much more... much, much more in store!

"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us"  Then I said, "Here am I!  Send me.   And He said, "Go and say....."

As I began to preach these words rang in my mind.   The passages for the Legacy Leadership Conference were from the book of Acts.  We began teaching on "Waiting on God" then moved to "Surrender".  Both are obvious preconditions to the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.   But then things began to change.

I don't believe I have ever experienced anything quite like it.

God's power, His spirit was so evident as we shared the word of God.

 God dropped into my heart to challenge the pastors to "GO"....  that they must leave villages and families and go to the lost people groups of Africa.  They already give up so much it was hard to imagine that this was what I was to preach.  But the burden was so heavy on my heart I could do nothing else.

  New ministries must start and new churches must be planted.  The challenge was from that "holy ground" upon which we held the conference, that they would reach Africa for Christ. 

The response of the 600+ pastors and leaders was nothing short of miraculous.  Young and old answered the call.  Over 150 responded that they were willing to follow God anywhere and were going to start new ministries.  

I was humbled beyond belief.  

Then the total unexpected happened.

Pastor Wilson, the host pastor said that this conference had spoken prophetically 
in to his heart and he was resigning his church.... and starting a new ministry. 
 I was in shock... the leaders applauded... he was leading the way!

Blog readers, we simply can not keep doing church the same way!   Instead of "oh no...not me".. the response should be like a first grader in school who know the answer to a question.   

The child waves his hand back and forth.... "choose me... choose me"!!!!

Next time the Lord asks the question, "Who will go?" 

Begin waving your hand... "Oh, oh... send me... send me"!

The Legacy Leadership Conference was used by God to stir up a sending movement.

Pray for those who have decided to GO they will need your intercession!

Thank you to those who gave and prayed.

Your giving and prayers birthed much fruit.

 Only history will record how great is the harvest.

God Bless you,  dw

Friday, June 8, 2012

Amazing Kids!

There are no other words to describe the kids we worked for and then played with yesterday!

They are AMAZING KIDS!   The basketball court is now in the hands of local contractors and we paid the final amount for the court today.  It will be a blacktop court with regulation 10' rims.  Next year we will teach a clinic... they've never played before so it should be awesome!  They found my dribbling skills off the hook.... (Doesn't take much!)

We worked around API's 22 acres - beautifying - weeding, slashing paths, and simply making it a bit easier and safer for the kids!

Sherry is obviously proud of her work!

The ladies did a bit of cooking and preparation African style! 
 The team bought dinner complete with fresh.... I mean really fresh chickens.

Barbara could not be happier than being in an African kitchen.

Emma thinks holding a chicken like this is fun..... I think it's strange
but God is clearly preparing her for living in Africa!

International Voice of the Orphan and A Perfect Injustice held a 
strategic meeting in their conference area!

Then the kids arrived from school and were thrilled as they received new spikes --- from many of you!

Jessica is thrilled that Emma (Emmanuel) would wear her shoes!
  (She was a volleyball superstar in college!)

Then we took a long, I mean long walk through the jungle till we wound
up at the football (soccer) field. 

We played what some would call football - but we are not much competition! 
So when we couldn't win... 
we decided to take this into our own hands - 
and the wrestling match began!

Only problem is Craig is getting double teamed and crushed!

Dw to the rescue

I used the tickling technique!  
Works every time!

Praying for local children and sharing Christ - 12 received Jesus as their savior! 
 Can you hear the beginning of the angelic party?

Elizabeth is our designated prayer warrior!

Back to the home and threw a birthday party complete with gifts.... of backpacks.  
 We will tell more of this at a later time.

Amazing.... absolutely amazing. 
No doubt, the pictures say more than words could ever say!