We all love a great story...and this one is no exception....the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things...things that would seem impossible...but love for the orphan mixed with God's favor is a sure recipe for powerful blessings.
Meet Robin, a young mom living on the West Coast with her husband and three children:
Hannah {7}, Christopher {5} and Phoebe {2}.
Some time ago God began to break Robin's heart for the orphan. She knew she could no longer sit back and do nothing.
Then the Lord gave her an idea to make bread and sell it and give the proceeds to orphanages to care for little ones.
She began her "Bread for Life" ministry on Sunday December 11th.
She sold 20 loaves of pumpkin bread and raised $648.00.
Can you believe it?
But wait!
There's more!
Listen to what God did:
A friend who rents a commercial bakery gave Robin the key so on Monday nights from 8:30 - 5:00am she now is able to bake between 20-400 loaves of bread in a walk-in oven!
But that's not all either..... in His the midst of His powerful favor, the Lord provided people willing to donate most of the ingredients! How crazy and miraculous is that?
Robin bakes pumpkin bread and lemon bread.
As Robin's ministry took off, God began to move on other hearts...women in the church now volunteer to bake banana bread and yeast rolls. They put a table out approx every 3 weeks and every time we sell out. Their biggest sale day {to date} they made $1340.
There is no limits to what God will do.
When Robin was sharing her story with me, I asked: How big is your church? {Thinking it was probably a mega-church.}
But it's not!
It has about 200 regular attenders....no doubt, those 200 attenders are having their world rocked for the orphan...
In just over 5 months Bread for Life has raised over $7,000!!!
Can you believe it?
An ordinary mom doing extraordinary things for the orphan...
which has ignited a fire in the hearts of those near {and far}....
all because Robin's heart was willing to do anything.
Robin's tag on her blog is this:
If We are Willing, He is Able
Powerful words being lived on:
Willing Robin {and friends}, Able God.
Oh, and Robin {and two friends from her church} are part of the June 2012 GO Team leaving in less than 2 weeks for Uganda with Dw and Emma...and Robin will get to love on the babies that she has worked through the nights preparing bread so they would eat...