
Friday, July 27, 2012

And it began to rain.....

"And whoever gives one of these little ones 
even a cup of cold water 
because he is a disciple, 
truly, I say to you, 
he will by no means 
lose his reward." Matt. 10:42

And it began to rain.....

But before I tell you the rest of the story let me give you some background to a 



faith filled,

young lady 

named, Praise.

Praise received some blankets from a high school student.  Praise's children had no blankets!

I first met Praise in Kampala, Uganda in early January of this year. A blog follower of Linny's,  Isabel from New Zealand, was in Uganda and we were going to meet for the first time.   She said, "you have to meet this young lady. She is amazing, she never turns a child away,  and you simply have to meet her"!

Well Emma and I are always up for meeting someone new in Uganda to see what God will do through this divine connection.   So we invited her to dinner with the team.

As Praise shared her story we were riveted by the simple love and devotion she had for Jesus and for children.   

As Praise shared her story, it was so very compelling that we quickly set up a time to go visit her and her 26 children.  That's right - she's single and cares for 26 children. This young lady simply will not turn away a child who shows up to her door-step.

When we visited we discovered this young lady had a mountain of needs but a faith that out-matched the needs.   We quickly discovered the priority of clean water was clear.  So Linny and I prayed and planned, many of you gave, and the team in June began the rain harvesting project.

The idea of rain harvesting is to catch the rain off the roof of a building.  While it is not a perfect solution it improves the water supply by some say 80%.   I sent my two African sons, Junior and George to scout out the land and to give us a report.  Like Joshua and Caleb of the OT - they reported that we could accomplish this task it and tackle this giant!

Their current water supply was from a small stagnant area of water down a long lonely path through the brush.    These very young boys would take 5 gallon jugs, jerry cans, and fill them up by leaning off a stick platform into the murky, filthy and disease ridden water source.

Many of you gave in response to a blog post by Linny @aplacecalledsimplicity.  The response was fantastic and we gave the go-ahead to the team in Uganda.

We had the concrete platform built ahead of time.  When we arrived the large 10,000 gallon tank awaited a setting and gutters along the roof line.   We hired two local contractors to work with us.   It is always important on short term mission trips to put money into the local economy to help out others as well.  When they are paid, there families eat, and the local store owners prosper as well!

The first stage - apply saw dust: Bags and bags!  (Believe me, we had counsel!)

Big Sam applies the sawdust!  He was a work horse!

Our other work horse Tim, applies the oil....  a lot of oil to the sawdust. 

2nd Stage:  Then the oil and the sawdust are mixed by hand to create a rust resistant barrier for the large tank.  You know that is any 5 year olds dream, but not too many 20+ adults!

3rd Stage:  Rain gutters are installed!  The tank is moved and ... take a look at the clouds....

We were yelling to the contractor finishing the connections, "hurry",  
as he finished up as quickly as possible.

I had to see if for myself.... inspection I would call it... reality - simply a rejoicing heart!

Final connection made.... and then a few drops began to fall

And now that everything was ready.......

and it began to rain!

As it began to rain we shouted out our thanksgiving to God for this kiss from heaven.

Take one look at Praise's face her face says it all!

A kiss from heaven telling all of us....

"Well done thou good and faithful servants!   Receive your reward for bringing a cup of cold water in my name to these little ones!"

 Thank you to those who gave, those who prayed, those who went and those who wept that God would be so kind.  We heard the first little bit of water begin to pour into this very large tank!

Faithful God!  dw